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3 Steps to Reseeding or over seeding your way to a Beautiful Lawn
Katie, glad to help. I believe following the three lawn reseeding steps you will be rewarded with a beautiful lawn, the envy of your neighborhood.
teddletonmr, on 01/03/2012

Easy Origami Heart Instructions: Simple Step by Step for Kids to Follow
I might just give it a try. The pretty paper really makes this project.
TerriRexson, on 01/03/2012

Coffee Candles
I love coffee and the love the smell of it - these candles are a great idea to have - I wonder if they help keep you awake - lol
ThePartyAnimal, on 01/03/2012

Kindle Accessories for Travel
I must admit I'm thinking about buying a light for my Kindle - the lighting in hotel rooms often leaves are lot to be desired, particularly in the cheap places I stay in!
Lissie, on 01/03/2012

Isotoner SmarTouch Gloves
They are a great idea. I use fingerless gloves but they let the cold in.
Marie, on 01/03/2012

Cute Owl Party Supplies and Ideas
Very cute - I'd definitely like an owl cookie cutter seeing as I make so many edibles for parties and birthdays.
Marie, on 01/03/2012

Vegan Chocolate Icing
My sister is a vegan so I will be trying this out for her - never would have thought of coconut cream. It sounds really yummy!
Marie, on 01/03/2012

Valentine's Day Tablecloths: Best Selection 2019
Yes the vintage tablecloth with hearts is very sweet, thanks Sheila.
Marie, on 01/03/2012

Easy Origami Heart Instructions: Simple Step by Step for Kids to Follow
Thank you @brl and @sheilamarie. It's a nice easy project to do. Once you know the origami steps, you can fold the hearts really quickly.
Marie, on 01/03/2012

Buy the Best Multi Purpose Quality Gardening Tiller Available Online
Katie glad to hear from you. Spring gardening season is just around the corner. Having the best tiller for your gardening chore sure makes cultivating and weeding your favorite vegetables more like fun.
Best wishes, Mike
teddletonmr, on 01/03/2012

Learn 7 Basic Steps to a Beautiful Lawn the Professionals use to Make Money
7 basic lawn care steps is awesome, thanks for the great lawn care tips, look out neighbors...
katiem2, on 01/03/2012

3 Steps to Reseeding or over seeding your way to a Beautiful Lawn
I need to reseed my yard this year so grateful for all your yard care tips.
katiem2, on 01/03/2012

Sailors' Valentines Shell Art
No, I've never heard of them before, though I've seen lots of little creations made with shells while growing up on the Atlantic coast. Thanks for introducing the sailors' valentine.
sheilamarie, on 01/03/2012

Buy the Best Multi Purpose Quality Gardening Tiller Available Online
Great comparison review of tillers a must have for my families gardening needs.
katiem2, on 01/03/2012

Valentine's Day Tablecloths: Best Selection 2019
I love the vintage tablecloth at the top of the page. Very pretty!
sheilamarie, on 01/03/2012