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Do You Live In A Dented Bucket?
hello it is the most toching article poem that you really is magnifco.....i
rita anne, on 10/05/2011
The Greatest States of America Game and Book
Thanks for the comment. I agree. I have been to Europe but still get confused about all of the countries in the east. Perhaps Laurie Keller will someday write a book about that!
landocheese, on 10/05/2011
iPhone 4S Review - Features and Specs
I love it! I also was expecting the iPhone 5, but that's ok, for now. The feature make for a very attractive alternative to the 'droids' which have seemingly captured the market. Mac and PC have their points of interest and variety is the ...
samsons1, on 10/05/2011
iPhone 5 Review
looks like a powerhouse smart phone! thanks for the informative article
Miki, on 10/05/2011
That Day In September
Thank You, that's so nice.
MaxReily, on 10/05/2011
Miscarriage- what is involved?
Such emotional stress for a family. Very serious and well written!
irenemaria, on 10/05/2011
Originality or Plagiarism?
The examples you gave are good enough to understand what you mean. At the same time, yes, I know that each of us could read an old story for which there is no copyright, and adjust it, tailor it a little, according to our test or needs, and then ...
NicolaeSirius, on 10/05/2011
iPhone 4S Review - Features and Specs
By the way, iPhone 4S has a great speed, a 50% quicker download is a dream, but what I was hoping for was the iPhone 5... and I miss Steve presentations... but this is just me, we have to use to it! Regards
Michey, on 10/05/2011
Originality or Plagiarism?
Yes, I stated many times that since the Library of Congress has been on the Internet... the original work doesn't exist anymore. More... in affiliate marketing, people buy all kind of right, including PLR (Private Label Rights), change, up ...
Michey, on 10/05/2011
Fracking: An Environmental Disaster
I've never heard of this before, so thank you for drawing attention to it. It's incredible that this practice takes place while here in the UK we are not even allowed to purchase incandescent lightbulbs any more. Why do we make all this effort ...
theraggededge, on 10/05/2011
Coconut Water
What an interesting article. I am a coconut oil fan and use it for lots of things, from cooking to skin care. I agree with you that the potential for exploitation and wastefulness is huge.
theraggededge, on 10/05/2011
How to Hold an Apron Parade
What a cute idea. The apron parade looks a lot of fun and a wonderful chance to either sew something that is not too challenging or maybe embellish an existing apron. And men don't have to feel left out should they want to join in, some top male ...
WordCustard, on 10/05/2011
How to Make a Starbucks Caramel Macchiato at Home
Oh wow, this sounds absolutely delicious... and without the Starbucks price!
WordCustard, on 10/05/2011
That Day In September
Beautiful poem on this day that is etched in our minds forever.
Mary Beth, on 10/05/2011
The Greatest States of America Game and Book
Learning about the states of America is not only for children also for Europeans. I know where all European countries are, but not all American states (the same for the countries in Africa, I know the name, but not exactly where they are)
mivvy, on 10/05/2011

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