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Working From Home is My Dream Come True
Interesting page. I'm currently in my dream job, which is web development. It's something I've wanted to do ever since I was a teenager, but I only got into the industry last year. I'm enjoying it so far. I work for a company, in an office ...
WebaliciousGuides, on 10/04/2011
How to Make a Starbucks Caramel Macchiato at Home
That sounds good. I like coffee with lots of stuff of added, though I don't have the space or money for an expresso machine. If someone strongly prefers expresso over brewed or instant, then the expresso machine pays for itself quite quickly.
KarenTBTEN, on 10/04/2011
Attitudes and Education
I think I am in love with you! (:-) I must make sure my daughter, Penny, who wrote the article reads this and contacts you. She is in the Karoo near Carnavon in the Cape Province of South Africa at the moment but will be back in Okinawa in ...
Ralpapajan, on 10/04/2011
Flower Poems Personified
Very enjoyable and informative!
MaxReily, on 10/04/2011
Poem--An Old Farmhouse
Thanks! Glad you liked it!
MaxReily, on 10/04/2011
Attitudes and Education
I agree completely, which is why we removed our children from the school system. Even the word 'system' is enough to make me cringe! We don't teach them stuff *we* think they should know. We let them discover for themselves and make all efforts ...
theraggededge, on 10/04/2011
Gadgets for the Office and Home
There are various gadgets that are used for different purpose and all the gadgets have its own role in different fields.Most of the gadgets are electronic that is used to make our task easy
Dacey, on 10/04/2011
Branding myself! What on earth is that?
This is so true. I cannot recommend anything unless I research it first. I love the way you think.
Ralpapajan, on 10/04/2011
My first steps to learn to Write Articles and Market with Wizzley
This is true to a certain extent of most people. I did the opposite a few years ago. Concentrated on two organisations and then when the money was coming in nicely went to the Caribbean. No sooner had I arrived than both went bust. One in ...
Ralpapajan, on 10/04/2011
Branding myself! What on earth is that?
I am too much of an individual to follow any of the "duplicate what I have done" approaches. I have to believe in what I recommend, and even then I tend to think more of the person's true needs more than my desire to sell my product or program. ...
BarbRad, on 10/04/2011
My first steps to learn to Write Articles and Market with Wizzley
I tend to spread myself too thin, exploring each new opportunity, trying not to keep all my eggs in one basket. I probably need to narrow my focus.
BarbRad, on 10/04/2011
Homeschooling Socialization: An Oxymoron?
Actually, some of this problem of "socialization" depends upon where you live. There are lots of active homeschooled kids who have ample opportunity to meet and socialize with other kids but there are those who are isolated, too. In some rural ...
sheilamarie, on 10/04/2011
Kumon Math Review
This is a very good review by someone who obviously is familiar with Kumon. A good treatment of the pros and cons.
Roy Zanatta, on 10/03/2011
Do You Live In A Dented Bucket?
Thank you, Rita...I am so glad you enjoyed the article so much! :)
SidewalkPhilosopher, on 10/03/2011
Do You Live In A Dented Bucket?
hi jeanie that is magnifico!!!!i like the article with all my heart!!!!! sincelry rita
Rita Esposito, on 10/03/2011

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