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Make Money with Photography
So far I use Zazzle. Their quality in printing is very good.
sheilamarie, on 08/19/2011
Growing Up In a Different Age
thanks mulberry for your comments. Times are definitely different from when I was a child. I remember hearing of a study as to the actual time some fathers spend with their children each day and the findings were staggering, something less ...
samsons1, on 08/19/2011
Growing Up In a Different Age
I don't have kids but I do wonder about families who seem to have every minute of their time scheduled to do something else. Piano lessons, ballet, school activities, soccer, and so forth. When do they just hang out together? Then the parents. ...
mulberry, on 08/19/2011
Giant Bean Bags – Why You Will Fall in Love with Them!
They are very comfy! It's a bit awkard getting in and out of, but worth it once you've landed.
mulberry, on 08/19/2011
Ezekiel Low Sodium Bread
Thank you for sharing your link. I know when I was told I had High Blood Pressure is when I became a faithful label reader in all of the food I eat. My husband does the same thing now. Your page is very informative, I appreciate you posting ...
WhiteOak50, on 08/19/2011
After 30 Years, I'm Sketching Again!
WOW, very impressive. Your sketching is fantastic!! I am going to go take a look at your Zazzle Gallery. Fantastic work!!
WhiteOak50, on 08/19/2011
Macro Photography
Thank you for your comment T-Harmon-Art. I loved my fuji S1000, I used that camera for a long time. And yes you are right you can take photos into photoshop and crop. Sometimes I have to do that when I am trying to focus in on a bee or ...
WhiteOak50, on 08/19/2011
Wedding Invitations
Thank you so much Susan, the blushing rose is one of my favorites. When I seen that picture after I uploaded it, it just grabbed my heart. Thank you tssfacts and boutiqueshops for your comments, they are greatly appreciated.
WhiteOak50, on 08/19/2011
Make Money with Photography
@traveller27 great!
TilenHrovatic, on 08/19/2011
What is Constructive Criticism?
Thank you so much for commenting Leanne :0)
WhiteOak50, on 08/19/2011
Make Money with Photography
I'm planning on looking into some of these sites to sell my photos online. Thanks for the tips.
traveller27, on 08/19/2011
My Zazzle Success Story
What a touching and beautiful story...God has really provided for you. I am in the northeast, too, what State are you in? You can message me if that's too private.
happynutritionist, on 08/19/2011
Origins of Italian
Interesting page on a language that I've heard but do not know. You presented this so clearly...I didn't realize languages had classifications, such as romance languages...and that the romance languages all came from Latin. I always regret not ...
happynutritionist, on 08/19/2011
Should I hang my head in shame or just go on and laugh?
oh no!! I don't know how I could do it but I did...I edited the title (left the 'h' out of shame) and it deleted my comment!!! I am so sorry whoever sent it...please forgive my fumbling fingers!I have sent a message off to Chef/wizzley so ...
barbarab, on 08/19/2011
Fun Snacks for Kids: Crunchy Pizza Toast
never mind the kids! I love these ideas
annieangel, on 08/19/2011

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