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Introduction to Grandma Marilyn
Marilyn, let's hope that the Squidoo, Zazzle, Wizzley combination is the magic ticket. I am doing the same. Thanks for sharing your story. It was interesting and fun to learn more about you.
Guest, on 06/17/2011
Vintage Weddings | Themes
What fun!
Guest, on 06/17/2011
Ideas for Buffet
Love the chuck wagon. You are so clever. Another great party planning page. Thanks for sharing all your tips with us.
Guest, on 06/17/2011
Tips When Moving
Our last move was the big one, overseas. Our stuff was on a container ship fof 17 days, rocking and rolling. The professionals that packed us should have read some of these tips, and maybe we would have had less damage. Great suggestions.
Guest, on 06/17/2011
Patriotic Vision
I love your stars and stripes flower. Great page, really interesting and thought provoking. Sorry, I was too tired to come up with a vision for your duel. To answer your question, I am an American expat living in New Zealand.
Guest, on 06/17/2011
My Zazzle Success Story
You are an inspiration indeed!
petunia, on 06/17/2011
Personalized Baby Stickers
Cheryl, this is such a great idea for new parents.
Guest, on 06/17/2011
Practice Photography in your own Back Yard
I have taken lots of photos in my yard. It is often my starting place. Love your list of benefits - especially the raindrops. (maybe that is because it is raining now, and that gives me an idea :)
Guest, on 06/17/2011
Things to Do on Seabrook Island
I would absolutely love a visit to Seabrook! This time of year, I really miss the beach. Actually, just about any time of year I miss the beach. Someday, Joan, someday!
Susan52, on 06/17/2011
Photography on Zazzle
Stunning. Both your photography and this page.
Guest, on 06/17/2011
DecoratingforEvents | Mandee Sears
I enjoyed learning a bit more about you. I always enjoy your writing. I am glad you are here on Wizzley too.
Guest, on 06/17/2011
Theresa Kennedy in a nutshell
Thanks's always great to meet like-minded people :)
Theresa_Kennedy, on 06/17/2011
Theresa Kennedy in a nutshell
Very nice Wizzography! I am also a bohemian type but the 90s Bohemian :D I love long hair too and am currently in the long hair growing process :)
hamshi5433, on 06/17/2011
How To Choose A Niche
Always something new to learn about this...thanks!
kimbesa, on 06/17/2011
How To Choose A Niche
I'm interested in a lot of things, so choosing a niche isn't easy. Interest doesn't equal knowledge. Right now I haven't the time to research a new niche when I'm not yet caught up with my present niches.
BarbRad, on 06/17/2011

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