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Freelance Writing Books
These are my top three but I'll be adding to the list eventually.
dmcgaw, on 06/30/2011
Fracking: An Environmental Disaster
I had never heard that term until I heard you talking about it. You have educated me!
petunia, on 06/30/2011
WordPress Plugin Part 02
Wow--You are a Word Press Wiz Kid, Michey. I wish I knew as much as you!! But I know I can always ask you, too. Blessings!
KateLoving, on 06/30/2011
Will Voice Recognition Put Medical Transcriptionists Out of Work?
Me too sheilamarie. I have branched out to web writing in the last few years to have a little extra as a backup.
PJDeneen, on 06/30/2011
Donna Leon: The Girl of His Dreams - A Book Review
I agree that the religious scam, the fake preacher, & the suspicious priest (who turns out to be good) seem to be a sub plot Leon meant to develop, then oddly did not. Even the priest's hinted ...
Kay Iversen, on 06/30/2011
What State Has The Most Lakes?
Thanks Chef
jeffwend, on 06/30/2011
Hetty Green Witch of Wall Street
What a tragic story! So sad she never learned the value of love....
karenlkay, on 06/30/2011
Will Voice Recognition Put Medical Transcriptionists Out of Work?
This is a real challenge. Quite frankly, "job security" for many people in different professions seems hard to come by these days. I hope you are right and VR eventually improves your medical transcription job.
sheilamarie, on 06/30/2011
Freelance Writing Books
These books look interesting. Looks like they'd be a good help to anyone statrting a freelance writing career!
tandemonimom, on 06/30/2011
Fracking: An Environmental Disaster
It's tough to hear so much bad news these days. And now the brush fires raging straight toward nuclear storage units in NM. When will we ever learn???
KateLoving, on 06/30/2011
Why Buy A Kindle?
Thanks. My Kindle arrived today! Also my first book was published as a Kindle by Amazon. See here. ~ Well, I've done it and it feels good. Thank you. When I first read your post I had no intention of ...
Ralpapajan, on 06/30/2011
Why Buy A Kindle?
@Ralpapajan I did a search and the best information I have found on sending personal documents, pdfs etc is from! As the link is quite long I will add it above
pkmcr, on 06/30/2011
Sauna & Avantouinti – the ultimate invigorating experience
This is a fantastic story! It made me want to sweat and then jump and then do it all over again. I love the way you describe this "indescribable" experience. :)
chefkeem, on 06/30/2011
Fracking: An Environmental Disaster
I had just heard something about fracking on NPR last week, but didn't pay too much attention then (going about my errands with only half an ear to NPR...). I hope with articles like yours, more people will become aware of the harm to the ...
kajohu, on 06/30/2011
Applebet: An ABC | A Best Picture Book Review
I love the structure of an ABC book. These are fun for kids to make, too.
Jimmie, on 06/30/2011

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