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Positive Affirmations - A way of life
Rhonda, that's a good idea. I made a two page affirmation chart for myself one time using clip art. I still have it and glance at it from time to time.
CherylsArt, on 06/17/2011
Things to Do on Seabrook Island
Love the beach in South Carolina. I've have not been to Seabrook but we've visited friends who live on Kiawah Island.
mbgphoto, on 06/17/2011
Nicholas de Grandmaison
I always like being introduced to unfamiliar artists. Thank you.
jaktraks, on 06/17/2011
Invasion of the Groundhogs
Oh me! Our Groundhogs look more like Bear Cubs. They are huge and they are everywhere! I think they multiply during the night. It is so strange because I don't ever remember seeing them as a child. In fact, I don't think I ever saw one until ...
ohme, on 06/17/2011
Things to Do on Seabrook Island
I have never been that far east, but you can be sure I will look you up when I get there, Joan!
tandemonimom, on 06/17/2011
Raising Bilingual Children
I started learning a second language when I was around 8-years-old. Even that was not early enough, but it really does help getting to grasps with the basics at a young age.
SquidRich, on 06/17/2011
Google Analytics Setup on Wizzley
thanks for writing this in understandable language...:-)
Guest, on 06/17/2011
Vermont Covered Bridges
These covered bridge pictures bring back so many happy memories from the state of Vermont. When I was little we went there every fall to look at the leaves and get fresh maple syrup - and of course maple sugar candy. I couldn't pick my favorite. ...
Digby_Adams, on 06/17/2011
Coconut Water
I have to admit that I am an ignorant on coconut water but you presented very well so ... one more thing to try... Your post was useful for me.
Michey, on 06/17/2011
Peace Sign Necklace
Thank you sheilamarie. I hope they're happy memories.
Digby_Adams, on 06/17/2011
A Beautiful Hydrangea Wreath for Your Front Door
Hydrangeas were my wedding flower and they are still my favorites. They are so easy to grow. I love to hang them upside down and let them dry. Thank you for stopping by to read my wizzle!
Digby_Adams, on 06/17/2011
Invasion of the Groundhogs
Wow, adorable but I wouldn't want them too close. Love your photos with the babies and the cats! FYI: Vaillan on Squidoo has a lens on how to get rid of chipmunks. Maybe it would work on these guys too.
PeggyHazelwood, on 06/17/2011
Theresa Kennedy in a nutshell
Thanks for share and let us know you better. I am also a nature lover, traveler and enjoy camping so we have a lot in common... Regards and welcome to wizzley, you will enjoy the platform.
Michey, on 06/17/2011
Peace Sign Necklace
Nice presentation, Digby_Adams! Yes, I'm old enough to remember. . .
sheilamarie, on 06/17/2011
A Beautiful Hydrangea Wreath for Your Front Door
These are lovely! I'd love to have one on my door!
sheilamarie, on 06/17/2011

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