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Small Space Gardening
Great idea. We've used raised bed gardens for years. Our first raised bed garden grew and grew until it became 50 sq m (that's a lot of imported topsoil) but necessary on our high clay soil land.
Guest, on 06/28/2011
berqa, behind the burqa, behind the berker or veil
I had not heard about this case before, but it does make one think. I always have thought that everyone should have the right to wear whatever they see fit, but when it affects the law and other people, perhaps it should be discussed.
JoyfulPamela, on 06/28/2011
Coconut Water
The new info about the more environmentally version is good to see - I am just hoping that the plastic wrapping is of a kind that is recycled in Oz :)
AJ, on 06/28/2011
berqa, behind the burqa, behind the berker or veil
I think it's very important these types of wear should be judged without reference to religion. In countries where there is a duty of identification, there's a clear basis for banning them or at least making it easy to take the hood OFF in case ...
spirituality, on 06/28/2011
berqa, behind the burqa, behind the berker or veil
important topic
reasonablerobinson, on 06/28/2011
Introducing Joan Adams
This is a great Wizley. Fun to read the simple truth about a friend. Much Love.
KateLoving, on 06/27/2011
Burzynski, The Movie
Hi SheilaMarie-Thank you for reading! I recommend watching the movie. It is a chilling representation of our health care system.
KateLoving, on 06/27/2011
Apple iPad as An eBook Reader
I would use the iPad as an ebook reader as well as much much more. I have Kindle downloaded on my iPhone and I love it!!
KateLoving, on 06/27/2011
Beginning Polymer Clay
Oh, SO cute! I love the first dragon, the green one all curled up. WISH I could give that one to my daughter, she would FLIP!
tandemonimom, on 06/27/2011
One Duck Stuck | A Best Picture Book Review
Another one to go in the basket I'm making up for my soon-to-be-new-mother friend! Keep 'em coming Carma! Ditto on the grandchildren Susan!
Dianne, on 06/27/2011
How to Use Paper and Decoupage to Decorate a Clipboard
Super idea. I've decoupaged other similar items, but never thought of clipboards. This is really neat.
puzzlemaker, on 06/27/2011
Wordpress Help
Bolillie, for membership sites there are plug-ins, or scripts, if the time permits I'll create a post about it Regards
Michey, on 06/27/2011
One Duck Stuck | A Best Picture Book Review
Oh, cute! Another great book that I haven't seen. Grandchildren. I need grandchildren!
Susan52, on 06/27/2011
Help! My Child is Easily Distracted
Very interesting issue! I love your advice to get the child's input as to what is distracting and how to manage it.
tandemonimom, on 06/27/2011
Why do we still have faith schools in the UK?
I had no idea this system prevailed in the UK nor that there were publicly funded faith schools. Interesting dilemma but as a homeschooler I have little advice for you.
tandemonimom, on 06/27/2011

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