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Mandala Coloring Books
I once watched a sand painting demonstration by Buddhist monks here in Austin. It was a very calming, feel-good experience. :)
chefkeem, on 06/28/2011
Magic of King Tutankhamun
Thanks for the support!
Kate-Phizackerley, on 06/28/2011
How to Enjoy Summer Art Festivals and Fairs
One of my favorite art festivals takes place each March in Jupiter Florida. It is called Art by the Sea. I always look forward to a good art festival.
Mary Beth , on 06/28/2011
Strong Female Characters in Fantasy Literature
Ooh these are wonderful. I'd enjoy these myself and will certainly share books like this with my boys as they get older. At the moment they love Jane and the Dragon.
TerriRexson, on 06/28/2011
Why do we still have faith schools in the UK?
Thanks very much for taking the time to comment. If this doesn't work out then maybe we'll consider homeschooling but at this point I do think school has a lot to offer. I'm just at the beginning of this though.
TerriRexson, on 06/28/2011
Things You Could Write About to Make Money Online
Good ideas to stir the writing juices.
sheilamarie, on 06/28/2011
Mike Craggs on Wizzley
Nothing is too grumpy if it has a little self-deprecating humor thrown in. And you can dunk it in that large mug of coffee you're carrying around. Grumpy shlumpy.
sheilamarie, on 06/28/2011
The Birth of Hermit Lit
Maybe I should join in on the new genre -- hermit lit, I like that! Pass the cheese, please.
sheilamarie, on 06/28/2011
Beginning Polymer Clay
My daughter is crazy about Sculpey clay. She will use no other polymer clay. Lately she has been making these part dragon, part lizard animals that she created. They are adorable.
Jimmie, on 06/28/2011
berqa, behind the burqa, behind the berker or veil
Islam began in the 7th century AD. Prior to that there were many educated civilisation, the Romans, Greeks, and Egyptians to name just three. Their women did not cover themselves head to foot, and they were quite aware how babies were created. ...
Prospero, on 06/28/2011
Switching From a PC to a Mac
Now that my hubbys PC is broken, maybe he'll switch from pc to mac. I know I LOVE macs.
Guest, on 06/28/2011
Container Gardening For Vegetables
I've considered container gardening for vegetables and herbs on my deck to keep some of my more used items close at hand (my big garden is down 2 levels from the living area in our house. I've seen some do it just by cutting open a bag of ...
Guest, on 06/28/2011
How Long Will It Take Me to Make Money on Wizzley?
Good information for the uninitiated. It is not a get rich quick scheme but it is fun.
Guest, on 06/28/2011
An iMac Review
I have an iMac and I love it. Hubby has a PC and it's broken (LOL).
Guest, on 06/28/2011
Invasion of the Groundhogs
What great pictures of your groundhog invasion. The only groundhogs we typically see are sick ones. I was told they were brought here (New Zealand) by the British to make them feel more at home by importing familar plants and animals from the UK.
Guest, on 06/28/2011

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