Latest comments

How Much Does a Pint of Blueberries Weigh?
My favorite recipe with Blueberries is the Fruit Salad that I wrote a Squidoo lens about. They have some gorgeous Blueberries at our local Farmers Market so it is time for me to make that salad. Loved all your weighing wisdom. We were trying ...
ohme, on 06/13/2011
Teaching Your Children About Recycling Through Reading
Our grandson is well aware of the importance of recycling as it is stressed so much in the school.
ohme, on 06/13/2011
Tips for Raising Eco Friendly Kids
Great tips for raising Eco Friendly Children. Our local Keep America Beautiful program does a great job with this, too.
ohme, on 06/13/2011
How to Make Dreamcatcher Gourds
What a great idea!
Liz Mackay, on 06/13/2011
Raising Bilingual Children
I only speak English but my son and his wife are teaching my two grandkids Chinese and they take lessons. You're right that the younger a child is the better they absorb a new language.
PeggyHazelwood, on 06/13/2011
Google Analytics Setup on Wizzley
Thanks for the how to advice, AJ. Very useful article!
sheilamarie, on 06/13/2011
Me! Tandemonimom
It's fun learning about your name. I wondered what it meant . . . . Great to know you a little better, Carma. I look forward to reading more wizzles.
sheilamarie, on 06/13/2011
Funny Time Management Quotes
I do love a good quote! Thanks for these!
tandemonimom, on 06/13/2011
Action Learning: An Ideavirus
I had not heard of Action Learning nor the concept of the Ideavirus. Very interesting!
tandemonimom, on 06/13/2011
Google Analytics Setup on Wizzley
This will be very useful to those that are not familiar with Google Analytics set up and it is well worth setting up for the very useful information they provide
pkmcr, on 06/13/2011
Adding Value: Commenting on Wizzley Content
well i never realized that my comments were so important. I'll have to be more thoughtful about what i say.
Guest, on 06/13/2011
Images From My Flower Garden 2
What beauty a flower garden brings! Having a bare yard is painful to look at.
Guest, on 06/13/2011
Where to Find Great Kids Books for Summer Reading
Good advice for students and parents alike. Signing a contract or having a contest always works. :-)
Guest, on 06/12/2011
Growing Peanuts
Wow, this is indeed something different. The pictures gave a good visual of what you were described and was easier to envision in terms of the process. It would be nice to try this...thanks for sharing your experience growing peanuts. Great to ...
ajgodinho, on 06/12/2011
Dealing with Laziness: A procrastinator's guide.
From one procrastinator to another, I was going to write a comment here, but I think I'll come back and do it later .... Seriously, it took me ages before I started writing online (Squidoo) - I just had to learn a bit more before I started. But ...
GonnaFly, on 06/12/2011

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