Science Party Supplies and Ideas

by TerriRexson

Science party supplies can be tricky to get hold of, but it's a great theme for a kids birthday party. Here's what you need to host a science party.

A Science Party is Great Fun!

Are you planning a science party? Excellent! Science parties are fun for kids (and adults too) and it makes a great theme for a birthday party. 

It can be a bit tricky to get hold of birthday party supplies that fit with a science theme so I've put together some of my favorite ideas. 

I'm a science fan (I'm a computer scientist so I can't claim to be a real scientist!) and Mom to two small boys who are really enjoying science. 

You can add a phrase like Ben is 8 to this cool science t-shirt for kids. It makes a neat birthday gift and is perfect for wearing under a lab coat. 

Scientist Birthday Party Invitation

Invitations for a Science Party

These Scientist Birthday Party Invitations are perfect for a science party. They're great quality and available in a variety of options and prices. 

The design can be customized with the details of your science party and printed for you. That saves some work!

This colorful design works for boys and girls. If you click on the invite you'll be able to view alternative designs too. 

Science Party Tableware

Sid the Science Kid Party Supplies

For younger kids, Sid the Science kid party supplies are perfect for a science party. You can get a range of Sid the Science Kid tableware, decorations and party favors. 

Perfect for a Preschool or Little Kid Science Party
Sid the Science Kid Party Supplies for kids who love the PBS Kids show. We've got Sid the Science kid party decorations and tableware and science-themed favors and games.

Science Party Supplies for Bigger Kids

3D Robot Party Supplies

Robot Party 3D Deluxe Box Robot Party 3D Deluxe Box

This 3D Robot party range is just brilliant for a science-themed party. Of course robots are one of the cool things that science has created and a common theme in science fiction.

But the really cool thing is the 3D effect you get with these party supplies. The range includes 3D glasses which are used to show the 3D effect on lots of the party supplies. Very cool.

You can give out the 3D glasses during the party and make that one of the party activities. For bigger kids you can actually talk about how the 3D works.

Space Party Supplies

Space Odyssey Kit-N-Kaboodle Space Odyssey Deluxe Kit-N-Kaboodle Kit Space Odyssey Kit-N-Kaboodle Space Odyssey Deluxe Kit-N-Kaboodle Kit

Space Party Supplies are another good option for a science party.

Getting into space has been one of the most visible and memorable achievements of science.

This works very well if you're planning any rocket themed experiments during the party. And you probably should. Kids do like to see things shoot into the air at high speed!

Science Wall Decals

These fun Science wall stickers will get your guests in the mood for a science party. 

The decals are made from high quality vinyl and their durable and waterproof. You can take them down after the party - they won't damage your walls. 

The wall stickers are reusable for future parties or as bedroom decorations. 

Colorful Chemistry Beakers

Chemistry beakers filled with something colorful make great party decorations. You could use colored water if the beakers are out of reach. 

You could also fill the beakers with wrapped candy or other party treats. 

And these are real plastic chemistry beakers so you can use them for your expirements at the science party too. 

Science Party Food Ideas


I find I can get a really long way using shaped cookie cutters for creating party food!

You can make chemistry beaker and flask sandwiches and pizzas. Test tube shaped cookies or brownies. Cheese also works well when thinly sliced and then cut with science cookie cutters - try a mix of orange and white or yellow cheese. 

You can use the shaped cutters to cut fondant shapes to decorate a science birthday cake. 

I'm going to cover science experiments to perform at a science party on a separate page. But I'll just cover one fun activity here.

Pop Rocks Edible Science Experiment

This Pop Rocks Edible Science (see below to buy) experiment is great fun as a party activity.

Each set contains a test tube plus Strawberry Pop Rocks, Secret Ingredient 1, Secret Ingredient 2.

You can get the kids to follow along to create their own science experiment.

 The result is a foaming concoction that the kids can actually eat. You get enough ingredients to do the experiment more than once, so if you keep the bits organized the kids can take the rest home as a party favor.

Pop Rocks Magic Potion 12 Kits

Pop Rocks Magic Potion 12 Kits

Includes one pack of Strawberry Pop Rocks + Secret Ingredient 1 + Secret Ingredient 2There are enough ingredients in a pack to perform the experiment at least 3 times!


Name Badge Magnets

Applied Magnets ® 10 Name Badge Magne...
Only $10.99

Name Badges Held on with Strong Magnets

It's always fun to give party guests some kind of dress up item to wear at the party. 

For a science party you can make badges with the kids names on or they can decorate their own badge when they arrive. You can use names like Prof. Corey and Dr Sophie.

These badge holders made from strong magnets are a great way to secure the badgets. You stick the large magnet to the back of the card (it comes with adhesive tape.) and then the small magnet goes underneath clothing to hold the name badge in place. 

Using a strong magnet in this way is a pretty neat science demonstration. And the kids can keep the badge and magnets as a party favor to take home. 

More Science Party Dress Up Ideas

Learning Resources Colored Safety Gog...
Only $29.98
Doctor Costume (Medium)
Only $17.31

Test Tube Bubbles

5"" Test Tube Bubbles Assorted (8)

Bubbles are classic party favor. And for a science themed birthday party, these test tube bubbles are just perfect. 

Plastic Test Tubes with Screw Caps

Only $12.99

These plastic test tubes with screw tops are popular as party favors. People have filled them with candy. They've also used them for very cool science party invitations or thank-you notes - just role up the paper and pop inside!

Weird Science Stickers

Science Stickers as Party Favors

These high quality Weird Science stickers are good enough to use as party favors. They come in sheets of small (1.5" square) or large (3" square) stickers. 

You can also use these stickers to create your own matching party supplies. Stick them on party favor bags. Use them to secure a paper napkin around a slice of birthday cake to take home. Stick them on a colored paper bag to create a science party favaor bag. Stick them on paper cups ...

Magnetic Marbles

Magnetic marbles make a fun party favor - you can split them between the children so they get a few each. 

They're also good inexpensive items to give out as small prizes during the party. You could do this when someone gets a question right, or wins a game. 

Magnet Marbles

$24.99  $12.19

Do you need a birthday gift for a child who loves science?

Science kits make a great gift for kids. Educational and lots of fun. Lots of options for boys and girls of all ages.

More Party Themes

A selection of my favorite knight and dragon party supplies for a fun medieval kids party. These work well if you have boys coming to a knights and princesses party too.
My favorite Ninja-themed party supplies and ideas for hosting a Ninja birthday party. My boys love Ninjas so this is a popular theme in our house!
My favorite magic party supplies and ideas for hosting a magic themed kids birthday party or other event.
My collection of the best nature party supplies and ideas for an outdoors themed birthday party. Great for kids who like trees, mud and bugs!
Updated: 03/24/2012, TerriRexson
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Does a Science Party Sound Like Fun?

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Jimmie on 01/12/2012

Love this idea. Birthdays don't have to be Disney focused. They can be centered on the wonders of science and learning.

TerriRexson on 01/12/2012

@Sam Kids love that a brain jello mold freaks out adults!
@Paula Excellent. Kids learn really well when they're having fun. And we need more kids growing up knowledgeable about science.

lakeerieartists on 01/12/2012

My nephew is very much into science, and I just sent him a science kit for Chanukah. Great ideas here.

Sam on 01/12/2012

Lovely idea, but I must say the 'brain jello mold' freaks me a bit out ;-)

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