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New Facebook News Feed: Remove Top Stories [Now with 6 solutions]
There is one other solution which seems to be working still: if you pretend to be working with an iPad using the User Agent Switcher in Firefox (extension) you still have the 'old' facebook. ...
Robert, on 09/27/2011
Have You Forgotten Your Macrame Knots?
I love it still! I used to do it years ago, but I reckon that I might do it again :)
Thanks @Barbarab to sharing this!
Marylol, on 09/27/2011
How to Skip Buying Groceries for a Week
I often make such a decision to stretch my grocery budget and eat what's in the fridge and the kitchen cabinets but I always end up going to the grocery :( I will try some of your tips, who knows, I might end up one month with more money than ...
holly-day, on 09/27/2011
Spice Rack with Spices
I like the Olde Thompson 16-Jar Orbit Spice Rack! It fints in my kitchen XD
nice article
Marylol, on 09/27/2011
Difference Games
I love such games. I always find magazines and newspapers to play this games and now I play it online. Thanks for sharing the article. :)
Jimmy Sorensen, on 09/27/2011
Who is Skylar Spring?
You have such a pretty name and very interesting life for such a young person. Nice to meet you!
dustytoes, on 09/27/2011
Help Preserve American History - The Give 150 Campaign
The whole legacy of the US Civil War is important...
I just wrote the book about a unique US Army Post - "Images of America - Fort Myer" with origins during the US Civil War when it was known ...
John Michael, on 09/26/2011
My first steps to learn to Write Articles and Market with Wizzley
I'm determined to persevere....:))
traveller27, on 09/26/2011
Belize ~ Paradise in Central America
I keep hearing about Belize...sounds like an intriguing destination.
traveller27, on 09/26/2011
Glamping - Luxury Camping
I'm prepared to try glamping..not much into camping.
traveller27, on 09/26/2011
Brain Fun During TV Commercials
I usually do a bit of housework - for example, go wash the dishes or at least some of them.
traveller27, on 09/26/2011
How to Choose Between Web Designers
Very good points for choosing web designers. The biggest problem I had long time ago was the luck of flexibility of designers, so in many instances I took the initiative to do it my self, and now with the flexibility of Wordpress, I really do ...
Michey, on 09/26/2011
Digital Product eCovers
Thank you, it is not going to break the bank, but I learn in my Internet marketing practice that:
1) as many streams of income you have the better
2) the small jobs are equally important, and we must pay attention to both, small and big ones.
Michey, on 09/26/2011
Poddys The Man Behind The Name
Nice to get to know a bit more about you:-) Love seeing familiar faces here.
happynutritionist, on 09/26/2011
10 Reasons Why Affiliate Marketing May Not Be Right For You
Helpful information, I'm only able to work at home because my husband works outside the home and provides the changes all the time, so many things need to be considered when deciding to work from home in affiliate marketing or ...
happynutritionist, on 09/26/2011