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New Facebook News Feed: Remove Top Stories [Now with 6 solutions]
Solution 6 does not work very well. I've unchecked the email frequency box and I'm still getting "top stories." I'm really getting tired of unmarking every story as a "top story." How is a ...
Mal, on 09/26/2011
Digital Product eCovers
Glad you explained that to Ralpapajan because I am unfamiliar with eCovers as well. I hope this turns into a nice little business for you Michey.
dustytoes, on 09/26/2011
How to Choose Between Web Designers
I have no experience with web designers, but I do love the look of Anne's work.
dustytoes, on 09/26/2011
Ant Farms: Observing Insects at Work
I know what you mean, SPB! We have occasionally had carpenter ants in the house, which is creepy. Ants in an ant farm are different. I haven't heard of people's houses being infested because of a commercially produced ant farm. The company would ...
sheilamarie, on 09/26/2011
Autumn Coffee Mugs
Mmmmm! I've got to try that coffee cake! Fun lens!
sheilamarie, on 09/26/2011
Ant Farms: Observing Insects at Work
To be honest, the idea of having ants in the house creeps me out... but now you have me thinking. How cool would it be to have one on my desk?? I could work away and then glance up to see what the little guys were doing!! So in less than a ...
SPB, on 09/26/2011
Choosing A Trendy Baby Diaper Bag
Nice bags!
sheilamarie, on 09/26/2011
Teaching Critical Literacy with Classic Children's Literature
Good advice on teaching children to think through issues. Can also be used to re-examine our own prejudices. Thanks for raising this helpful topic.
sheilamarie, on 09/26/2011
Why Isn't Anyone Clicking The Google +1 Button?
I'm far more concerned about privacy with FB than with Google. I feel that Google allows users more control than FB does. (That is why I am not on FB.) I think that it's simply new and time will see Google +1 gaining in popularity. (By the way, ...
Jimmie, on 09/26/2011
Buzzy - Distract Your Kids From Needle & Sting Pain
A genius invention!
Jimmie, on 09/26/2011
Gangster Moll Costume
Oh! Those shoes! They are so terrible that they are fantastic!
Jimmie, on 09/26/2011
Why Isn't Anyone Clicking The Google +1 Button?
Plus the fact that some people just don't care. Such as the facebook, twitter, digg and other buttons people have on pages they want you to click on, some times it just gets a little tiresome. ...
Molly, on 09/26/2011
Why Isn't Anyone Clicking The Google +1 Button?
Yep! You read my mind, Why? I think they are shy... maybe not knowing the potential power of +1, so i agree with you and I encourage everybody to use it... By the way there is no privacy issues if you chose your circles well... Regards
Michey, on 09/26/2011
Why Isn't Anyone Clicking The Google +1 Button?
I have noticed that people don't use the G+ button, but hopefully they will learn. I try to click it every time I like a site. I think it's important to all of us that we use this new rating.
petunia, on 09/26/2011
Photographic Enhancement
By my modest opinion,you choose correctly.Both programs are excellent not only for us,home users.And - they are free,also.
Zelimir, on 09/26/2011

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