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What Is A Micro Niche?
I'll have to check out micro niche. I've been tending that way in my writing anyway, so of course I think it's a good idea! ;-)
tandemonimom, on 06/26/2011
Introducing Joan Adams
Everything(one) gets better with age... ;-)
Guest, on 06/26/2011
Dry Flaky Skin on Face, Treatments and Homemade Remedies
Thanks for the tips. It's always good to find homemade remedies.
sheilamarie, on 06/26/2011
How To Find A Micro Niche
I am realizing the importance of Niche Marketing and appreciate this information on Micro Niches. Thank you.
ohme, on 06/26/2011
nice getting to know you!
puerdycat, on 06/26/2011
Planning a 50th Anniversary Party
You're parents look very young to be celebrating a 50th Wedding Anniversary! You are lucky have wonderful aging genes. And the party sounds like loads of fun. My husband's family had a big reunion in Pittsburgh and one of the events was ...
Digby_Adams, on 06/26/2011
Meet Internet Marketing Master, Ewen Chia
He really is the master when it comes to teaching. There are some very good marketers out there who give excellent information but Ewen seems to be the most open when it comes to sharing the important information people are looking for. Since ...
Ex-hubber, on 06/26/2011
Me! Tandemonimom
Yup, it's mine! (There's a whole series of them.) Thanks!
tandemonimom, on 06/26/2011
Growing Garlic
I grew garlic over the winter and just pulled up the very small bulbs since I will be moving soon. I plan to try growing it again because I use garlic all the time in my cooking and salads.
dustytoes, on 06/26/2011
Me! Tandemonimom
I've seen that "forgot to socialize the kids" shirt at Zazzle and never knew it was yours, but I love it! Nice to know more about you, Carma.
dustytoes, on 06/26/2011
Back Stretches
These are good stretches and I try to stretch once an hour while working online. I will try them. Thank you!
dustytoes, on 06/26/2011
Planning a 50th Anniversary Party
Thanks. :) Bev, I wish I had room for you.
lakeerieartists, on 06/26/2011
Netbooks for Kids | Small Laptops for Kids
Good points. In many schools, kids are being given small laptops or netbooks to use at school and home. They started this here in Cleveland in our local school district and several of the textbooks were preloaded onto the computer. Teaches ...
lakeerieartists, on 06/26/2011
Does Homeschooling Create Shyness? Homeschooling and Socialization
I'm amazed at how little our public school does to stop bullying, or any bad behavior for that matter. They literally do nothing in most cases. I don't want my kids exposed to an anything goes atmosphere.
HSSchulte, on 06/26/2011
How To Use Keywords And Keyphrases
After reading this super advice, I want to go back through all my wizzleys so far, and be sure I have optimized correctly for key words. Thanks, Chef!
petunia, on 06/26/2011

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