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Why Write On
I am so excited about Wizzley and looking forward to creating my first 100 pages here.
petunia, on 06/26/2011
Chef Keem - who the hell is he?
Great to get to know you a bit better Chef! I love your Alaska pictures. I've always been fascinated with Alaska. I used to be addicted to the show Northern Exposure. :)
dmcgaw, on 06/26/2011
Vintage Wedding Dress | Vintage Wedding Gown | Vintage Wedding Apparel
Good info. I love just about anything antique, so if you must get married, why not search for an antique dress.
PeggyHazelwood, on 06/26/2011
Why move to Austin, Texas? (Before it's too late)
I visited Austin once for work. Loved it. The food and the live music are appealing. Definitely one of the nicer places I've visited in the US.
TerriRexson, on 06/26/2011
Vermont Covered Bridges
I love little bits of history like this. I've never visited Vermont but now I know what to look out for if I do!
TerriRexson, on 06/26/2011
Lego Jawas
Cool. We have just entered the Lego Star Wars zone. My younger son wants Lego Star Wars figures for his third birthday. We'll be doing lots of reenacting. Jawas will be needed :-)
TerriRexson, on 06/26/2011
How To Find A Micro Niche
It took me a while to realise the importance of a niche, but once it dawns on you -there's no going back.
Matt Rhys-Davies, on 06/26/2011
Information Technology Trends
Irene, this is the reason I am writing, it is hard to get in deep on everything, but a heads up will help with the general view, and after that people can go in details only with their topics of interest. It is not a replacement but it is a way ...
Michey, on 06/26/2011
How UK Writers Can Make Money Writing Articles
What a useful list. I wish I'd found something like this when I was starting out.
TerriRexson, on 06/26/2011
Some of Irenemarias paintings and drawings
You are talented. I'm not artistic, but my 4 year old son spends hours drawing every day, I'll keep encouraging him.
TerriRexson, on 06/26/2011
Information Technology Trends
Nancy I don't laugh, and as much as I want everybody to take advantage of technology at the right time, I also recognize that each of us must have his/her "right time", only this way we can be motivated enough to work until we achieve success. ...
Michey, on 06/26/2011
Will I Be Able To Retire?
Hi Michey, It's sad really when you work your entire life and feel as if you are doing the right thing and then it's all gone in the matter of a couple of months. I did happen to go to church this morning but look where I ended up, at my ...
Ex-hubber, on 06/26/2011
How To Draw Skulls Tutorial Resources
Hehehe - there is always something to write about. Thanks
irenemaria, on 06/26/2011
Choose a Buckwheat Pillow for a Good Night's Sleep
Very interesting pillow! I never heard of this before
irenemaria, on 06/26/2011
Where to buy Crocs for Kids
Here in Sweden they are very popular for all ages
irenemaria, on 06/26/2011

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