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New Product Launch 1
All the time when I launch a product I had butterfly on my stomach. But don't be worry, all will be just find, if you follow the technique I describe. (Ken Evoy's steps) Keep in mine that just one piece is not going to work you have to enforce ...
Michey, on 07/25/2011
Recipe for Buckwheat-Blueberry Breakfast Pudding
A fruit and not a grain, that's interesting. I am definitely going to try this recipe. I often make buckwheat pancakes but never thought of this buckweat pudding or porridge.
mivvy, on 07/25/2011
Prague - A Dancing House and French Cuisine
Caroline, The building inhaled and forgot to exhale, what lovely words. That's exactly what the building looks like.
mivvy, on 07/25/2011
Care Bears Birthday Party
I'm not very familiar with the Care Bears but I like how you put this page together. That checklist at the beginning was a good idea.
MugTreasuresByBrenda, on 07/25/2011
Raising Swallowtail Butterflies
This is lovely! I like your photos that you used here to show the swallowtail butterflies in their different life stages.
kajohu, on 07/25/2011
Angry Birds Costumes
I vaguely heard of angry birds before. The costumes look fun:)
emeraldmile, on 07/25/2011
Halloween Yard Flamingos
Wow. The flamingos are very unique. This is the first time I've seen these.
emeraldmile, on 07/25/2011
Michey Hobbies
Hobbies are a great way to learn about who you are and what you like. A great hobby continually teaches you knew things. Your father sounds like a very smart man and creative too.
emeraldmile, on 07/25/2011
Searching for a Turtle Nest
What a wonderful experience! I had not thought about a mother turtle going through an almost labor to lay her eggs but it makes sense.
bev-owens, on 07/25/2011
Prague - A Dancing House and French Cuisine
That is one neat building. It does look like the building inhaled and forgot to exhale though. Great article.
ohcaroline, on 07/25/2011
Did You Walk or Cycle across Skinny Bridge when in Amsterdam?
The Dutch almost learn to ride a bicycle when they are still babies. Riding a bike is a skill for life. That may be the reason that there are few accidents, add to this the very good bicycle paths and you have the ideal circumstances for ...
mivvy, on 07/25/2011
Summer Camp Guide – Summer Camps and Learning Programs
I never got to experience going to a camp...I think it would have been a great experience.
ohcaroline, on 07/25/2011
Did You Walk or Cycle across Skinny Bridge when in Amsterdam?
I was truly fascinated by the heavy population of bikers when I visited. It was amazing to see them in the traffic with cars and flowing with such ease. In America there would be multiple accidents if we tried to do that. :)
ohcaroline, on 07/25/2011
Angry Birds Costumes
Never heard of angry birds, they look quite angry. I have only seen these costumes used in advertisement and sometimes student walk in them promoting a new article. I did not know they could be bought.
mivvy, on 07/25/2011
Alex, The Cat Without A Tail
She looks so cute. I have never seen a'real' Manx cat. If I went to the Isle of Man, would I see many?
mivvy, on 07/25/2011

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