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Cute day planners 2024
I could see using an undated day planner. That's just me!
ohcaroline, on 06/21/2011
Writing For Money and Quality
Writing is always an ongoing learning curve. I am enjoying the ride.
ohcaroline, on 06/21/2011
How To Choose A Niche
This subject has been in my thoughts. I'm new enough in internet marketing to get my wings spread...but no niche yet. I think I heading there now. Thanks for the wisdom.
ohcaroline, on 06/21/2011
Il Volo Breakout Tenor Group
Wow! What voices and nice looking young men. I hope they wow the world with their voices.
ohcaroline, on 06/21/2011
Will Voice Recognition Put Medical Transcriptionists Out of Work?
Great. As long as your job is safe, I'm happy. :)
chefkeem, on 06/21/2011
Why I Hide My Identity On The Internet and You Should Too
This is great advice. When I first started writing online, the site I wrote for (BellaOnline) required me to use my real name and picture. It was a great site to gain experience, but I regret that I didn't have the choice of keeping my ...
PJDeneen, on 06/21/2011
Will Voice Recognition Put Medical Transcriptionists Out of Work?
Thank you for commenting chefkeem. I suppose that's always a possibility. I think there are too many variables. Some doctors dictate while they are in the car or taking care of a child. I don't think they would want to be filmed in those ...
PJDeneen, on 06/21/2011
Crafts from Around the World for Kids at Michaels
Sounds like a lot of fun! I love going into the Michaels store and usually come out with more than I had gone in for. Such a great place to spark your creativity!
sheilamarie, on 06/21/2011
WordPress Plugin Part 01
Sheila you are welcome, if you have questions, please let me know, I'll do my best to answer. I also can redirect to a lot of other related info in my Blogs. Thanks for reading my posts.
Michey, on 06/21/2011
WordPress Plugin Part 01
Thank you, Michey. I am new to Wordpress and need all the help I can get. Sometimes just a few suggested Plugins are a big boost. Thanks for your generosity in sharing what you know!
sheilamarie, on 06/21/2011
Will Voice Recognition Put Medical Transcriptionists Out of Work?
I enjoyed reading your authoritative insights on this topic. I was wondering...what if, at some point in the future, the voice recognition tools will include cameras that can see if a doctor looks over his notes, or bites into a sandwich, and ...
chefkeem, on 06/21/2011
Small Space Gardening
Some really great ideas here for anyone with a small space in which to garden. We are fortunate to have quite extensive grounds but you can adapt some of these ideas however large your garden is
pkmcr, on 06/21/2011
Backermann's Bakery in Whiteville, Tennessee
I would really enjoy a trip to their bakery. It's my kind of place. I've been to some Mennonite places in Sarasota Fl area. They are wonderful. Great page!
ohcaroline, on 06/21/2011
Small Space Gardening
I'm hoping to get to put Mel Bartholomew's Square Foot Gardening book to use one day. I've had to deal with those rampant running pine trees in the past. Good you thinned them out. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your gardening news!
ohcaroline, on 06/21/2011
Vintage Road Signs
I love those Burma Shave signs! Wouldn't it have been fun to come up with the new ditties as your job? That and the goofy Salada tea bag fortunes. I think I'd be good at making those up. Another career missed boat.
sheilamarie, on 06/21/2011

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