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Who is SimeyC
I, too, love your shoe designs, Simey. And it's great to get to know you better. :)
chefkeem, on 06/20/2011
Guest Posting - are they worth it?
Thank you for this solid article on guest posting, Simey. I'm currently considering a submission to Problogger and their guidelines for guest posting are quite long. It's a great challenge, though.
chefkeem, on 06/20/2011
What is a Long Tail phrase and how do I use them on my website?
I think I use both long and short.I been studying the wonder wheel the past few days to improve traffic. good information.:-)
Guest, on 06/20/2011
WordPress Plugin Part 01
Jeanie thanks, it is a teacher and a student in my soul because I like to learn as well. Thanks for stopping by, I know that technical posts are sometime boring, so I appreciate when people read them.
Michey, on 06/20/2011
WordPress Plugin Part 01
Nightbear thanks looks like DiggDigg plugin is very quick on loading, which is important. If you look at the list in configuration, you have a column called "weight", that blow my mind away, because I didn't expect the order of numbers... this ...
Michey, on 06/20/2011
WordPress Plugin Part 01
Michey, you are forever teaching...I know this will be appreciated by many!
SidewalkPhilosopher, on 06/20/2011
WordPress Plugin Part 01
Joan I am so glad you start to love Wordpress, I really am. Nobody knows over 14,000 plugin, but somehow we have to discover the good ones, so open a discussion like this, I hope will help. Thanks for reading my post
Michey, on 06/20/2011
Where can I earn money by writing on the web?
Blogs are also given special preference in Google results, I hear. I find it hard to monetize my blogs, but I do love them anyway!
Jimmie, on 06/20/2011
Guest Posting - are they worth it?
I can attest to the power of guest posting. After I got an article posted at a BIG blog, my subscriber numbers jumped significantly. Then that same blog approached me for another guest post because the main writer wanted to take a summer break! ...
Jimmie, on 06/20/2011
WordPress Plugin Part 01
I am slowly learning to love wordpress and the plugins. You did a beautiful job of explaining how to use them! Thank you!
petunia, on 06/20/2011
WordPress Plugin Part 01
Wow! you did such a great job with the explanations and details of how to maneuver around these plugins. I was not at all familiar with the DiggDigg plugin, but like you said it is an ever changing world we onliners live in. thanks for the clear ...
nightbear, on 06/20/2011
Branding You, Branding Me, Branding Wizzley
I've only recently started thinking about branding - as I look at my total portfolio I begin to realize that not all my content is good, and therefore I do need to go back and ensure that anything I have written is quality - it takes time ...
SimeyC, on 06/20/2011
How to Create Quality Comments on Wizzley
I agree with all you say! I always try and 'add value' when I visit blogs - and if I like a blog I am not a stranger to it - I will constantly visit it and as you say get reciprical visits from their fans and often the owner! Commenting is ...
SimeyC, on 06/20/2011
Wizzley Banners
Now that I've found them with Achim's help. I love them!! Plan to use them now.
nightbear, on 06/20/2011
Setting Up a Wordpress Niche Website to Sell Zazzle Products (and Related Products)
Very helpful information on setting up a niche website with WordPress.
bev-owens, on 06/20/2011

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