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Positive Affirmations - A way of life
I too use affirmations and have since I was a teenager. Great wizzle page!
Jewelsofawe, on 06/14/2011
The Benefits Of Quitting Smoking
quit smoking is a big decision that you must not only take you must also be communicated to the people who are around you and ask them to help give you support and courage ... have support at ...
donna , on 06/14/2011
Radio Flyer Toys-An American Success Story
I hadn't heard the story of how the Radio Flyer company was started -- it's a good one! We had a Radio Flyer wagon when I was growing up -- I'm not sure about our trike, but it might've been a Radio Flyer too. I loved seeing your photo (even ...
kajohu, on 06/14/2011
Remembering Dad with Father's Day Cards
Loved your fishing card and the little story that went with it. I just had to read that to my husband.
GrandmaMarilyn, on 06/14/2011
Chocolate Cookie Recipes
Ooh, these do look nice. Must try them.
ameliejean, on 06/14/2011
How to Cook, Clean, and Eat Artichokes
I have been eyeing the fresh artichokes in the grocery store the last few weeks. I am always afraid to buy them because I don't know how to cook them. This is really going to help.
lakeerieartists, on 06/14/2011
Why Should You Focus On Niche Marketing?
I've been working on four basic niches but not doing well as yet. I stick to what I know - but getting the word out to the right markets is taking some figuring out. I'm looking forward to learning what you are the best ways to zone in on ...
sandralynnsparks, on 06/14/2011
Why I'm writing on Wizzley
I like your farmer analogy. I write for both Squidoo and HubPages and have two Zazzle stores now, and I believe each lens, hub or Zazzle product is a seed that will later produce income. I'm looking forward to the rest of what you will write ...
BarbRad, on 06/14/2011
Branding You, Branding Me, Branding Wizzley
Interesting and very true!
ameliejean, on 06/14/2011
Why I Hide My Identity On The Internet and You Should Too
Anytime we are online we are taking a risk in one way or another. I have heard all these reasons before, but on the flip side, you have some of those same people that did the bad deed with fake avatars befriending people, or using the ...
KathyMcGraw, on 06/14/2011
I'm not sure about this, some of the tasks seems more in line with home health care. However, the concept I like, but if I ever were to rent a Grandma it would be for the fun things, not for chores.
KathyMcGraw, on 06/14/2011
Who is the Real Barbara Radisavljevic?
I tried to put a few questions on that would trip up those who have read a lot of my lenses. That evidently worked.
BarbRad, on 06/14/2011
Who is the Real Barbara Radisavljevic?
Caroline, I hope this is so far down that I don't give it away to those who haven't answered yet. I don't want to disappoint you, but I never got the pilot's license. My brother did that. He was running off with the car illegally before he was ...
BarbRad, on 06/14/2011
Pictures of Caterpillars
I thouroughly enjoyed this photo expose of caterpillars. I have taken just a couple photos of them, and I "think" I have a photo of the echo moth caterpillar. Mine was also crawling along the asphalt. Thank you, I learned a lot here today.
KathyMcGraw, on 06/14/2011
10 Awesome Movies You May Not Have Seen
hey this is some list! I never heard of these, except for Philadelphia! That one I did see and Tom Hanks was as awesome as ever.
Guest, on 06/14/2011

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