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Backermann's Bakery in Whiteville, Tennessee
Sounds like a delightful place. I love stores like this. Really liked the "invisible soup." Maybe I'll try that next time I'm writing a wizzle and everyone's asking what's for lunch!
sheilamarie, on 06/10/2011
About AJ Godinho
Welcome AJ! Glad to see you on Wizzley too!
tandemonimom, on 06/10/2011
Home School
Love my homeschool! So glad to see you on Wizzley writing about homeschooling too!
tandemonimom, on 06/10/2011
Real Life Black & Blue Roses - Not a Fantasy?
I love the wonderful color (and fragrance) of the blue moon rose, I'm not sure about a 'real blue' rose, it doesn't seem quite right. There are so many beautiful and naturally blue flowers already like the blue iris and bluebells.
lou16, on 06/10/2011
Me vs. I - Which One When?
You explain this in simple terms. I always knew the I Me rule but just didn't apply it ALL the time. Have to work harder on that.
WebWriter, on 06/10/2011
Tips to Photography
Photography helps you see things right in front of your face that you've never really seen before. That's what I like about it the most.
sheilamarie, on 06/10/2011
Sheldon Cooper Shirts
I've been living in a paper bag.
sheilamarie, on 06/10/2011
About AJ Godinho
Welcome to Wizzley, Anthony. Thank you for sharing a little bit about your background; I can see that the Wizzley community will benefit greatly from your participation. :)
nightowl, on 06/10/2011
Sheldon Cooper Shirts
I love Sheldon ...and his shirts! :)
Christene, on 06/10/2011
About AJ Godinho
Nice to see you here and good to learn a little more about you
pkmcr, on 06/10/2011
Coconut Water
Very interesting! Fascinating how publicity ruins good things!
tandemonimom, on 06/10/2011
About AJ Godinho
You have a nice writing style. A bit warm Wizzley welcome to you.
WebWriter, on 06/10/2011
How Long Will It Take Me to Make Money on Wizzley?
Great advice for newbies, and good reminders for those of us who have been writing a while! Thanks!
tandemonimom, on 06/09/2011
Jimmie's Online Empire
You sure have built quite an online empire in quite a few place on the web. Great to read about your online ventures and success!
ajgodinho, on 06/09/2011
Tips to Have A Successful Etsy Shop
I always wondered what Etsy was...thanks for this well-written piece and for the tips!
ajgodinho, on 06/09/2011

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