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Lou’s Zazzle Journey
My Zazzle journey is going pretty well. I have been Zazzling since Sept 2010 and have done pretty well. Not a regular monthly check yet...but sales are increasing. It is a very enjoyable work to do.
ohcaroline, on 06/10/2011
The Barnes and Noble Nook
I have to admit, I love my Kindle, but that colour screen on the Nook looks so appealing.
WordCustard, on 06/10/2011
Radio Flyer Toys-An American Success Story
I'm not familar with Radio Flyer but do love a story of how one kid with a dream built an empire. Those people who emigrated to the USA with nothing but a will to succeed can't fail to inspire us with their attitude.
WordCustard, on 06/10/2011
Who is Vikk Simmons
Yes, you know you are writer when you simply can't NOT write, just as dancers can't not dance and artists can't not paint. You are even more prolific a writer than I knew and I look forward to discovering more of your writing portfolio, Vikk.
WordCustard, on 06/10/2011
Sheldon Cooper Shirts
Sheldon definitely makes the show a big bang on popularity. The rest of the nerds are cute...but Sheldon is the glue. Thanks for explaining the 73.
ohcaroline, on 06/10/2011
Gifts for Gardeners
A beautiful selection of gifts! Some good ideas here for when you need to buy something for a gardener but just don't know what.
WordCustard, on 06/10/2011
Corelle Dinnerware is Practical and Pretty
I like Corelle because it's lightweight (most of the styles). I've got a mismash of patterns in my cupboard but they are all connected by the shape and weight. Just simple easy unpretentious dinnerware. Nice article.
fitzcharming, on 06/10/2011
Shamrock Shakes
Sounds yummy.
mbgphoto, on 06/10/2011
Container Gardening For Vegetables
I must try this...great information.
mbgphoto, on 06/10/2011
Pictures of Caterpillars
This is very interesting.
mbgphoto, on 06/10/2011
How Long Will It Take Me to Make Money on Wizzley?
Very helpful information, Paula. Thank you. We can make money on Wizzley and we will, but not next week probably. but maybe.
petunia, on 06/10/2011
Mike Craggs on Wizzley
@WebWriter Thanks for the welcome. Er... kidding... er... *scuttles off to find a dictionary - hmm, something to do with humour. I'll work out what this 'humour' thing is one of these days. Now, I'm off back to my kitten casserole.
Mike, on 06/10/2011
Mike Craggs on Wizzley
@WordCustard The Isle of Custard. I'll be lurking behind the skull and crossbones on the horizon. (It's annoying not having threaded comments or a reply feature.)
Mike, on 06/10/2011
Mike Craggs on Wizzley
Looks like we've just met the inspiration behind the 'Grumpy Old Men' series.. though I do wonder if you might just out-grump the lot of them! The solitude image is gorgeous. If I ever make more money than I know what to do with, I plan to buy ...
WordCustard, on 06/10/2011
How UK Writers Can Make Money Writing Articles
Thanks for the feedback everyone and I much appreciate the additional information, Mike. My 'other content sites' section was only a draft that I was looking to add to after doing some research... you're a step ahead of me which is most helpful! ...
WordCustard, on 06/10/2011

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