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Google Analytics
Help! When I "Add Website Profile" am I supposed to simply type in Or my specific profile url?
puzzlemaker, on 06/03/2011
Locationary: The World's Place Database
It sounds like a cool site.
wenkrick, on 06/03/2011
Poddys The Man Behind The Name
Hi Tony! I enjoyed your history lesson about Southampton. It's great to see you here. :)
wenkrick, on 06/03/2011
Poddys The Man Behind The Name
Nice to see another familiar face here!
fanfreluche, on 06/03/2011
Poddys The Man Behind The Name
Love the wedding photos!
Nice seeing you here too.
whitemoss, on 06/03/2011
New Product Launch 1
Thanks, I am still learning as well, The Internet is so dynamic, is always improving, re-inventing, and grow with the speed of life... so the learning never stops.
Thanks for stopping by
Michey, on 06/03/2011
Who Is Doc Hellams
Wonderful and very touching page and you are both incredibly lucky to have one another. Wishing Doc a very happy and blessed Birthday and many, many happy returns
pkmcr, on 06/03/2011
Poddys The Man Behind The Name
Good to see you on Wizzley Tony and nice to learn a little more about the man behind the name :-)
pkmcr, on 06/03/2011
Writing to Your Target Market | Defining Your Target Audience
I think this is something that's really missing in some of my writing.
Thanks, B
Bcarter, on 06/03/2011
Wizzley Banners
Thanks for the kind comments everyone. I hope these will do for a while until we can afford a real designer...
Tony, if you're using IE or Chrome you can just triple click to select entire code (or use FF). I'll work on a better solution later.
nightowl, on 06/03/2011
New Product Launch 1
I have so much to learn and Michey is the one in the know!
ohme, on 06/03/2011
Wizzley Banners
I'm having trouble selecting the code to copy, in particular the 125x125 one.
Love the banners, nicely done.
poddys, on 06/03/2011
Setting Up a Backlinking System to Promote Your Website | Webpage
Great information. There are a few sites here that I haven't come across before. They might just help nudge some lenses a bit higher in Google, which is all important.
poddys, on 06/03/2011
Wizzley Banners
Excellent! Good to see these lovely banners... and I have a feeling we'll be seeing a lot of them around the web! :)
WordCustard, on 06/03/2011
Writing to Your Target Market | Defining Your Target Audience
Excellent information Paula, this is really useful. One problem that I have is not knowing my target audience. I think it's because I don't have a store, other than my Zazzle one, and my lenses and articles cover a wide range of topics.
I ...
poddys, on 06/03/2011