Latest comments
Running A Zazzle Business: What Works For Me
Pam, I can so relate to just putting up designs I liked onto products and not focusing. Well done and a good nudge for all of us!
Deb, on 05/30/2011
Motivational and Inspirational Quotes
Great selection of quotes - humor and motivation wrapped together with inspiration.
Deb, on 05/30/2011
How to Google Adsense
That could be, although your Squidoo earnings are partially based on Adsense.
lakeerieartists, on 05/30/2011
Kenneth Cole Cufflinks
I love the way cufflinks look! Classy.
Jimmie, on 05/30/2011
Ten Ways to NOT Make Money on Zazzle
LOL on the "criminal element" associated with bleeding edges! Some very good advice here - I wish more people followed it!
tandemonimom, on 05/30/2011
How to Google Adsense
Helpful tutorial, Paula. I've not seen much success with Adsense. I'm sure it's my topics. But I am also loathe to write about topics I don't care about JUST to earn money. So it's okay.
Jimmie, on 05/30/2011
Homeschooling Socialization: An Oxymoron?
What a great explanation of socialization for homeschoolers. Yes, when people asked me about it, it did seem like they thought it was a "gotcha" question. When kids come over to my house I can tell which ones have been socialized well. Some ...
Dianne, on 05/30/2011
Homeschooling Socialization: An Oxymoron?
I LOVE these t-shirts. Wonderful!!
Jimmie, on 05/30/2011
Homeschooling Socialization: An Oxymoron?
I think homeschooling moms are a super solution for many children today. I never considered that option for my children, but now, I think I would consider it strongly. Socialization seems a non-issue to me. No child willingly keeps himself ...
petunia, on 05/30/2011
Motivational and Inspirational Quotes
Great quotes! I think my favorite in this bunch is "Don't ask what the world needs - ask what makes you come alive and go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."
~ Howard Thurman ~
petunia, on 05/30/2011
Homeschooling Socialization: An Oxymoron?
Homeschooling has not taken off as yet in the UK however I am sure it will grow in popularity. The issue of socialisation is therefore one that people are going to encounter and you have provided some sound advice here.
pkmcr, on 05/30/2011
How to Google Adsense
Thanks, Paul. I had my husband read it first, who does not have any experience with Adsense to see if it made sense to him. :)
lakeerieartists, on 05/30/2011
How to Google Adsense
This is a really clear and very useful explanation and will definitely be of help to those who are not familiar with Adsense.
pkmcr, on 05/30/2011
What NOT to write in your online profile
I started laughing at your first sentence, and kept on chuckling. I don't have a particularly exciting profile, and could do with editing it again at some point, but luckily I also don't include the "8 words that should never appear...."
kajohu, on 05/30/2011
Kenneth Cole Cufflinks
I almost always wear shirts that require cufflinks and these are definitely a wonderful selection
pkmcr, on 05/30/2011