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Introducing Joan Adams
I did learn some things. I learned that we both are trodding along that same path and discovering the wonders of aging, finding wisdom to deal with life's ups and downs, and learning to just be as happy and content along the way. Cheers to ...
ohcaroline, on 06/08/2011
Poddys The Man Behind The Name
Nice to see you here Tony. I just joined.
sandyspider, on 06/08/2011
Introduction to Grandma Marilyn
I am in the same boat as you are, though a bit younger. I think once you reach 40+ and unemployed it is hard to get work. People fresh out of school with no experience has preference over a middle age person. Experience doesn't mean much. At ...
sandyspider, on 06/08/2011
My Zazzle Success Story
Pam, Michey is right, you are an inspiration in your ability to work at something so hard and put all of your talent and skill into it until it becomes a business. Some will look at this and see Zazzle as a goose laying golden eggs, those of us ...
WordCustard, on 06/08/2011
Branding You, Branding Me, Branding Wizzley
Thank you for the information about branding. Your previous article had made me curious. I plan to heed your advice and check out my wonder wheel also.
dustytoes, on 06/08/2011
A Tribute to Andrew Gold
I do not remember him but this is terrific tribute.
vikksimmons, on 06/08/2011
A Quick Piece About Me
Thank ya'll. It's just a quickie post, but at least I can say I've got one under my belt. LOL
sapheyerblu, on 06/08/2011
How UK Writers Can Make Money Writing Articles
This is going to be incredibly useful for those in the UK who are looking to make money from writing about the things they know and are passionate about. Really well put together
pkmcr, on 06/08/2011
Michigan Lighthouses
Just joined Wizzley here. Love the lighthouses gifts and the history.
sandyspider, on 06/08/2011
Posing Guide for Better Portrait Photography
Taking Pictures for a portrait is an art, Thanks for share, you have great examples.
Michey, on 06/08/2011
My Zazzle Success Story
Your experience is a good inspirational example, I get some good tips and I like the way you present your success. Thanks for sharing with us.
Michey, on 06/08/2011
iCloud Service Review
Nightbear, iCloud is on, the others one is in Beta, and one will come in July. Thanks for stopping by
Michey, on 06/08/2011
iCloud Service Review
Yes Nancy, it was emotional because the Internet world love Steve Jobs, and they follow his progress, his enthusiasm is contagious, and if Apple is a great company today... it is because Steve is ...
Michey, on 06/08/2011
My Zazzle Success Story
A wonderful story of persistence and pursuit of a goal. Your Zazzle stores sound great and I would love to get mine underway (time permitting). Your story is intriguing and I found I just wanted to keep reading on. Congrats.
ronpass, on 06/08/2011
Five Useful Herbs for Your Garden
I love growing calendula. It's great for it's natural antibiotic properties.
Guest, on 06/08/2011

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