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Homeschool Share
Really useful page for those involved in Homeschooling
pkmcr, on 06/02/2011
Pest Snails in the Aquarium
This is great information. In the past, someone gave me some trumpet snails. It didn't take long for them to override my aquarium. These tips are much needed!
cosmopinkice, on 06/02/2011
Wizzley Banners
Brilliant and shall be using those extensively!
pkmcr, on 06/02/2011
Wizzley Banners
Cool! Thanks!
Jewelsofawe, on 06/02/2011
Wizzley Banners
We're still fixing the display. Hang on!
nightowl, on 06/02/2011
Bhut Jolokia Chili Pepper
Thinking about touching my eyes made me shudder! This sounds like a pepper plant that would do great where I live...although, I'm not so sure that I want it ending up in my dinner! You presented the information really well, I enjoyed reading ...
That_FishLady, on 06/02/2011
Children Should Learn to Play Music
I agree, music is very important for children. I was always encouraged to play instruments, and ended up picking up at least a dozen before I got out of high school. It gave me something to be passionate about, and I learned a lot of valuable ...
That_FishLady, on 06/02/2011
Wizzley Banners
Fantastic! Thanks!
nightbear, on 06/02/2011
Wizzley Banners
Love the banners! Very cool.
bev-owens, on 06/02/2011
How to Stockpile Emergency Food Supplies
You've compiled some great ideas on starting a stockpile - I'm working on growing my own food at the moment. I haven't learned how to preserve anything yet, though.
That_FishLady, on 06/02/2011
How Much Sleep Do We Need
I had no idea that a lack of sleep could increase hunger - that's a really interesting thought.
That_FishLady, on 06/02/2011
Backyard Bird Feeders
I remember making milk jug bird feeders when I was little!
That_FishLady, on 06/02/2011
Macro Photography
Absolutely beautiful. I love animal photographs. I'm told it takes a different skill set than still life. But since I have neither, I just point and shoot and hope it comes out okay. Love your work as always.
nightbear, on 06/02/2011
A little about Spook
Nice to meet you Spook.
WebWriter, on 06/02/2011
Flashmob in the UK
Looks like fun. I love watching the Flash Mob videos on YouTube.
WebWriter, on 06/02/2011

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