A ninja is a cool costume idea for boys from preschoolers through to tweens and teens. A ninja is stealthy and wears a martial arts costume, often with a dragon motif.
A team of ninjas (or ninja) makes a great group costume idea for a group of friends who want to go trick or treating together. Choose costumes in a variety of colors and practice your ninjutsu moves for an impressive effect. You can also add lots of fun toy ninja weapons to accessorize a ninja costume.
Ninjas are a popular theme at the moment. There's Supah Ninjas, Lego Ninjago, GI Joe and Power Rangers. Ninjas are everywhere!
Oh and yes, girls can be ninjas too and they can certainly wear any of the costumes featured on this page, but you can also get ninja costumes for girls.
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Wow- cool page- I love the cyclone Ninja!