The pros have been manifold. Because I'd planned what to write, I'd not waste time faffing around choosing a subject each morning.
Moreover, as I had glanced each time at the topic coming, it was bubbling in my mind. I generally had a good idea about what to write before I ever clicked on 'create page'.
It also boosted my output considerably. If I had to write x, y and z article, before I could get to the one that I wanted to write about, then I'd go for it.
That's why you suddenly saw me working all hours to get articles about ASL baby gifts and raven statues out. I was itching to write about the Halifax Explosion, which had only just piqued my fascination.
I was challenged in what I chose to write about. I couldn't just huddle in the safety of history topics, because it turned out that I'd greatly over-subscribed to the Culture and Society category. The vast majority of my articles fall into one of its sub-categories.
I had to ration them out like candy. Little treats or level up bonuses within the gaming structure. While every instinct in me wanted to tell a legendary story, or report on some activism, or else bring the past to life in prose, I was actually writing about shoes.
You can tell. The whole thing reads like something that should be in Culture and Society, but it ticked a box labelled 'Beauty' on my grid. That hadn't been visited in the neighboring nine spaces.
Occasionally, real gems could be found in this way. I opted to write about Siegfrid Sassoon, as that article would be in Literature. I saw it coming up, so made the page ready for penning an article the next day.
Then I read about him. This was eleven o'clock at night. The more I read, the greater my fascination grew. His story is unreal in places, heart-breaking and intriguing too. I only meant to write a few paragraphs here and there, just so I'd remember what I was reading in the morning.
Next thing I knew, it was half past four am, and the Wizzle was posted. I went to bed exhausted, but with my mind buzzing over the amazing story I'd just been told, and told again in turn.
Things like that wouldn't have happened, if I hadn't been playing the Grid Game on Wizzley.
Thank you very much. :)
I will have a look when I have a) time to wallow in it and b) my house stops being a suck on my remaining time with Problems that Need Fixing Already. Three weeks and counting to submission guys. My back? Prayers? Good wishes? Hopes? Posivibes? Blessings? Whatever does it for you, think of me for the next three weeks and I'll be back when I can towards the end of June. THEN I can look at all your articles, Jo's and Mira's Zazzles and cmoney's Pinterests. Just to make sure I have missed nothing. My Zazzle store is nowhere and my ebay is barely breathing. My Wizzles are neglected and about the only writing I've done lately is for work or fiverr. Sorry Wizzley. I will be back, I promise.
My pleasure! I love how you're growing on Zazzle as an artist too. Good stuff! :-)
I do hope so! I've just posted my first article about my Pagan handfasting stuff. :)
Oohh! I hadn't thought of that! Thanks for having my back. <3
Wow, you have all sorts of items! I think you have a good chance of making a living from your Zazzle products and referrals if you continue this way :)
By the way, I was going to mention that you should include all these stores in your Wizzography, too!
And Mira, you've just prompted me to FINISH creating my profile there. Thanks!
I'm well posh these days. I've even begun to create my profile! :)
The Celtic store was created earlier in the month, while OldWaysandAwen is barely two weeks old. The Write Word has had a facelift and the store you were looking for is Beautiful Britain.
Thank you very much for going to see them!
I'm going to and can't find you. Where are you?:)
Yes, I was wondering where you had gone. I'm off to see your new store :-)
Yay for the PTL being within sight of the finishing line. As for the rest, *more preening and more blushing* Thank you both.